The Cold Loop
"The Cold Loop" is a randomly generated murder mystery game set in an ever repeating timeloop. To break it, you must find out who was, is, and will be responsible for the killing of a certain penguin: yourself.
At the start of the "loop" (game), the murderer is chosen at random, along with clues towards finding him/her. To break the cycle of death, you must find the murder weapon and put the murderer to rest. But be sure to pick the right guy...
Version 1.0.1 changelog:
- Fixed volume sliders not working for effect sounds and voice lines
- Added music to main menu to help in adjusting volume
- Fixed a bug where Pocket-Rat becomes invisible when talking to him
- Fixed return to main menu button not working
- Fixed a certain voice line not playing with Leopardo
- Reduced the delay of character death animations
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Android
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Oct 9, 2020
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