The Crown
Join the dreadful story of a falling monarchy at the start of a nation wide rebellion who despite all that their power will allow them to do can never change their coming fate.
Except for the royalty free music all assets are self made. The original version of this game was made in 4 - 5 days for GDN Blueberry game jam. The Crown is available for both Mac and Windows as seen below.
Caution!Because everything was made in such a small span of time due to personal matters the game is not complete and therefore most of the buttons do nothing yet, you may experience bugs were you will need to restart the game, and graphics do not match each other visually as they were rushed.
These Issues will be addressed but can only be changed once voting for the game jam is over (if I can not have them fixed before voting starts). So I ask to be patient and to not judge the game too much in it's current state of development.
Controls:LMB - to click buttons presented (It could not be simpler!)
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