The Cyka Blyat Dragon Shout Scroll Adventure
First of all a really big thanks to "helvete1991" for the "Farewell of Slavianka (16 bit version) - Russian Empire / USSR Marching Song" used in background of the game and to the youtube channel "inScope Studios" for the tutorials about unity!
In this game you have to defeat all enemies that are in your way and get back the stolen Cyka Blyat Dragon Shout Scroll, that is a bottle of vodka of course! To do that you can move left with A and right with D, while with the W key you can jump, with the left ctrl button you can slide (useful for dodging knives!) with the left shift key you can use your sword and with the V key you can throw a kunay! Enemies will attack you from a distance, just like you can so be aware of that. The last enemy has more life and "spoiler alert" has a doble throw kunay ability that is hard to dodge! In the end you reach the beloved vodka and with the E key you can finally use the Cyka Blyat Dragon Shout! and with that the game ends with you being shot to death and the game closing itself. Have fun and tell me how to improve it! If i will ever improve this game I will add more levels, but for now i will leave it as it is. Thanks for reading!