The Cylindrical Parallax Platformer

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  • This is a hardcore game so get ready to get rekt.
  • You move with WASD and jump with Space.
  • Even though you have a sword, there's no attack button. You can only avoid your enemies, just like you do with your problems.
  • You win the game by collecting every coin, NOT by reaching the end of the level, so be sure to get all of them. Coins have different values based on their color.
  • A sadistic game design experiment! I finished this project a few days earlier than the due date, so I had an entire day to focus on evil level design, with lots of moving platforms and inconveniently placed enemies. There are NO CHECKPOINTS, so if you get touched by enemies 4 times (or fall into the water), you restart from the beginning. It took quite a few tries for my friends to beat it (the ones who managed).
  • There's a bug when you touch the side (or even bottom) of a platform that causes you to stick to it until you jump off. It actually turned out to be a fun mechanic so I kept it, lol. You can use it to skip certain parts of the level, but I won't tell you how.

Thanks for playing, and have fun!

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Not rated

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The Cylindrical Parallax Platformer screenshot, image №2179022 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 20, 2019

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