The Disobedients
In this single player game, the government has been drugging its population into compliance. However, the Disobedients are either immune to the drug or aren't taking it. Its your job to find and eliminate them in the crowd of lawful Drones.
Side effects of Drones and the fact that Disobedients copy the actions of those around them make it hard to find them. Use the Commands such as Stop Moving to weed them out. Their free will will be their undoing.
Left mouse button- Flag a Drone with a black, red or green mark (It cycles through each click).
Right mouse button - Shoot / kill. - Use this sparingly, you don't want to kill innocents.
Escape - Quit the Game
Game Development and Programming: Horticultural
Art and Design:
Game Design + Lore: Babanetsa
Directions for use: Download the .zip, double click on the 'NoPillPatrick.exe', accept installing ue4prereqs if requested.
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