The Dope Game reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Habs I first download presented very differently, I just didn't like it because I uninstalled it. After a While I took a closer look at the Game and decided to download it again. As a small Street Dealer in the fictional city of "Starkham," You just have to make enough Money through the dealen Over a period of time. This is similar to different Levels, first you have to try to stay above the Water within a small Period of time and then disappear from the City, then Bit by bit longer, if you want it. In doing so, you take the Bus, in which you are repeatedly rabbled with as far as I know, always individual Dialogues by a strange Lady, back and forth between the different Parts of the city. You buy some Grass in one Place For $10 and sell it on another for $20, you just have to always look where the Course is best for your Stuff. In addition, there are various People who can either help you or become a Doom, E.g. a Money Borrooner who lends you money for a short Time. However, if you do not pay this back before the Deadline, he will hunt you. Then there's the Police, who have you when you have Drugs with you, try to take tight, if not they leave you alone. You can come up with your own strategies to make your own Way through. Unfortunately, however, you won't be able to make a Bow around the English Language, as the whole Game is in English. BUT: As "exciting" as it may sound, you understood the Game completely after the very first Hour. Cans as soon as you have the Hang of it, it only consists of a knee-jerk Clicking. You just know where and what you have to click to get ahead of you and don't even read the Dialogues anymore, I don't think about that the Rest of the Game. So apart from the Monotony that comes With time, I really like the Game principle. Since this was now very subjective, I would also like to mention the only objective negative Thing that has so far been crossed in my Crosshairs, and a small but annoying Bug has not been found. You are no longer able to choose your Destinations on the map and therefore can no longer continue, in which Case you can save the Game, go back to the Main Menu and continue from the Memory Point again, or restart the Game completely. I didn't have too high Expectations because it's in itself, a nice Pastime. You can't go wrong for the Price. Have even bought me the Bundle with DLC, even wenns makes no special Difference when playing. You really quickly notice if it's something or not. So it's best to make an Impression for yourself, if then you're really too bored and you prefer to invest the few Talers in CSGO cases, mans can still return with a Playing Time of less than 2 Hours.
If you ever played Drug Wars on a Texas Instruments graphic calculator in school, The Dope Game was made for you. I enjoyed it.