the Dungeon of Forgetfulness

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In the Dungeon of Forgetfulness you play a reckless adventurer who ignores any & all warnings and enters a dungeon where they forget everything (how to attack, how to move, how to breathe). This is explained to them by the Champion of the Dungeon.

This "thing" was artificially created by the conscious dungeon to keep people inside. The adventurer dies and they wake up in a different part of the dungeon. It seems that they at least know how to breathe and understand English. They also seem to be able to peer into the fabric of one's being (they can understand stats and resistances). They can't do anything but reset the dungeon or be fight the enemy.

When they find a scrap of paper you read what it describes This gives them an ability be it attack, movement or information about yourself. After finding out everything from these scraps of paper, they prepare to battle the Champion and leave.


To do anything press the corresponding button.

To exit to main menu press Escape

The map shows where you are (needs to be unlocked) and where you can go.

The log explains everything (It is recommended to let it catch up).

If you sit through the entire intro you get 1 attack & 1 movement direction!


STR (Strength), DEX (Dexterity), INT (Intelligence), CHA (Charisma) are attack skills which determine your chance of hitting an attack.

CON (Constitution) determines how much bonus health you get.


When battling you need to take into account your stats and the enemy's resistances.

All attacks have a corresponding skill.

Melee: STR; Ranged: DEX; Magic: INT; Diplomacy: CHA; Heal & Dodge: Average of all skills except CON;

The chance of melee, ranged, magic, diplomacy = (Your skill - Enemy's skill) / 7.

The chance of heal = 1 but enemy will have the same chance of attack.

The chance to dodge = Average of DEX & INT differences / 7

When attacking the enemy has the chance of his attack skill average.

There is only 1 scrap of paper in a dungeon.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Oct 11, 2019

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