The Elder Scrolls: Legends posts

A Unique Sorcerer Video
Any game similar to this that's still getting updates?
I played this game for years and years and loved it until it stopped getting updates. Are there any other TCGs that are similar?
Luxury Gauntlet (Apr. 7-10) - Top 100 Players
Congratulations to the top 100 players from this weekend's Luxury Gauntlet!​
Top Ranked Players - March 2023
Congratulations to the top 100 players in the March Ranked Play season!​​...and congratulations to the top 25 Versus Arena players for March!​
I was scared a javelin was on its way but then this happened.
Can’t access collection?
Anybody have this bug too? Every time I try to create and edit a deck, the screen is black. I’m trying to play on a new iMac.
Some Dagoth... very old Big Dagoth :)
Maybe my worst/best thumbnail yet.
People that apologize before landing the final blow. It is a competition, idiots 😆
“I must apologize” no greater lie has ever been told
Penitus Ocularus: “Look at me. I am the Sharmat now.”
How to improve Alduin's apocalypse?
I'm still relatively new to the game and I'm not that great at deck building but I've been having a lot of fun with the premade Alduin deck. What adjustments would you recommend to improve this deck? So far I've completed the main story and I'm nearly done with the dark brotherhood quest and I've got the Ancano, Aela and Paarthurnax decks too.
Tamriel collection
Hello guys. I recently come back to Legends after some years and i saw there Is a set of cards that it seems impossible to get(the tamriel collection) . I really would like to get those cards,can you help me?