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I feel like I'd be rather annoyed if Im playing as a Dragonborn, breathing straight fire at my enemies, murdering Dragons and saving the world and then having some bitch ass mercenary give me judgemental comment about how I was rude to someone. Doesn't seem to work that well when your character plays such an important role.
I’m genuinely curious what the most popular opinion is on the ranking of these games among TES fans, not trying to start a war. Just to clear up any possible confusion, Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind means Skyrim is better than Oblivion which is better than Morrowind.Edit: This is obviously just an opinion, not an objective ranking. Also, as u/-Jaws- pointed out, there is no option for “I liked them all equally” because I could only put 6 options in the poll. I’ll make a comment that you can upvote or comment on if that is your choice.Edit 2: Please only vote if you have played all 3 of these games or at least given them all a fair shot. If you have only played 2 of them, feel free to comment with your ranking of those 2 games.View Poll
I've been playing with creating an Elder Scrolls setting in first edition Pathfinder for a while now and thought I'd post what I have on what domains and alignments the gods would have if they were in a Pathfinder setting.Always open to feedback. It seems like every time I open the document I change someone's alignment. Clavicus Vile specifically has gone through 4 different alignments already. Definitely would be easier describing them with Magic the Gathering colors.I've included a link at the bottom to the full character creation document if anyone is interested in that as well.Akatosh / Auri-El / Ruptga - Lawful Good - The Dragon God of Time Domains: Glory, Luck, Magic, Protection, ScalykindSubdomains: Honor (Glory), Fate (Luck), Defense (Protection), Dragon (Scalykind)Favored Weapon: LongbowArkay - Lawful Good - The God of the Cycle of Life and DeathDomains: Community, Law, Protection, Repose, SunSubdomains: Judgment (Law), Purity (Protection), Psychopomp (Repose), Day (Sun) Favored Weapon: BattleaxeDibella - Chaotic Good - The Goddess of Beauty and Lust Domains: Charm, Liberation, Strength, Travel, WaterSubdomains: Lust (Charm), Self-Realization (Liberation), Resolve (Strength), Exploration (Travel), Flowing (Water)Favored Weapon: GlaiveJulianos - Neutral - The God of Wisdom and LogicDomains: Air, Artiface, Community, Knowledge, MagicSubdomains: Lightning (Air), Construct (Artiface), Education (Community), Thought (Knowledge), Alchemy (Magic)Favored Weapon: Unarmed (Improved Unarmed Strike)Kynareth / Kyne / Tava - Chaotic Good - The Goddess of Air, Wind, and SkyDomains: Air, Animal, Healing, Travel, WeatherSubdomains: Wind (Air), Feather (Animal), Monsoon (Weather)Favored Weapon: TridentLorkhan / Shor / Sheor / Shezarr / Sep / Lorkh - Neutral - The Missing God of CreationDomains: Luck, Magic, Repose, Travel, TrickerySubdomains: Fate (Luck), Divine (Magic), Souls (Repose), Deception (Trickery)Favored Weapon: DaggerMara / Morwha - Neutral Good - The Goddess of Love and CompassionDomains: Charm, Community, Good, Healing, ProtectionSubdomains: Love (Charm), Family (Community), Friendship (Good), Medicine (Healing)Favored Weapon: Shield (Improved Shield Bash)Stendarr - Lawful Good - The God of Mercy, Justice, and CharityDomains: Community, Good, Glory, Good, NobilitySubdomains: Cooperation (Community), Chivalry (Glory), Archon (Good), Martyr (Nobility)Favored Weapon: Light CrossbowY'ffre - Chaotic Good - The God of Song, Forest, and the Green PactComains: Animal, Earth, Good, Madness, PlantSubdomains: Azata (Good), Insanity (Madness), Growth (Plant)Favored Weapon: ShortbowZenithar / Zeht / Z'en - Neutral - The God of Work and CommerceDomains: Artiface, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, TravelSubdomains: Industry (Artiface), Metal (Earth), Education (Knowledge), Trade (Travel)Favored Weapon: JavelinThe Ideal Masters - Lawful Evil - The Lords of the Soul CairnDomains: Artiface, Death, Evil, Plant, Void Subdomains: Trap (Artiface), Undead (Death), Kyton (Evil), Decay (Plant), Dark Tapestry (Void)Favored Weapon: SickleMannimarco - Neutral Evil - The King of Worms / The Father of NecromancyDomains: Death, Evil, Knowledge, Nobility, MagicSubdomains: Undead (Death), Sakhil (Evil), Rites (Magic)Favored Weapon: ScytheTalos - Lawful Good - The God of Honor, State, Law, and HumankindDomains: Glory, Law, Nobility, Rune, WarSubdomains: Heroism (Glory), Tyranny (Law), Leadership (Nobility), Legislation (Rune), Tactics (War)Favored Weapon: LongswordRajhin - Chaotic Neutral - The Purring Liar / The Cat-King of ThievesDomains: Animal, Darkness, Luck, Travel, TrickerySubdomains: Fur (Animal), Night (Darkness), Exploration (Travel), Thievery (Trickery)Favored Weapon: Claw BladesVeloth - Neutral Good - The Pilgrim SaintDomains: Good, Healing, Sun, Water, WeatherSubdomains: Redemption (Good), Restoration (Healing), Revelation (Sun), Rivers (Water), Seasons (Weather)Favored Weapon: StarknifeXarxes - Neutral - The Ageless OneDomain: Community, Healing, Knowledge, Magic, RuneSubdomains: Education (Community), Medicine (Healing), Rites (Magic), Language (Rune)Favored Weapon: SapMagnus - Lawful Neutral - The God of MagicDomains: Knowledge, Law, Magic, Rune, SunSubdomains: Aeon (Knowledge), Sovereignty (Law), Arcane (Magic), Light (Sun)Favored Weapon: QuarterstaffSithis - Neutral - The God of the Void Domains: Darkness, Death, Destruction, Repose, VoidSubdomains: Loss (Darkness), Murder (Death), Ancestors (Repose)Favored Weapon: ScimitarAzura - Neutral Good - The Prince of Dusk and Dawn Domains: Darkness, Fire, Good, Repose, VoidSubdomains: Moon (Darkness), Ash (Fire), Agathion (Good), Stars (Void)Favored Weapon: Flail (Light or Heavy)Boethiah - Chaotic Evil - The Prince of Conspiracy, Treachery, and SeditionDomains: Darkness, Destruction, Chaos, Liberation, TrickerySubdomains: Hatred (Destruction), Demon (Chaos), Revolution (Liberation)Favored Weapon: Hand CrossbowClavicus Vile - Lawful Neutral - The Prince of Bargains, Trickery, and Wishes.Domains: Artiface, Darkness, Luck, Nobility, TrickerySubdomains: Trap (Artiface), Shadow (Darkness), Curse (Luck), Hubris (Nobility), Deception (Trickery)Favored Weapon: GreataxeHermaeus Mora - Chaotic Evil - The Prince of Knowledge and Memory Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Evil, Madness, WaterSubdomains: Entropy (Chaos), Memory (Knowledge), Daemon (Evil), Truth (Madness), Flotsam (Water)Favored Weapon: GreatclubHircine - Chaotic Neutral - The Prince of the HuntDomains: Animal, Glory, Liberation, Plant, StrengthSubdomains: Fur (Animal), Hubris (Glory), Freedom (Liberation), Growth (Plant), Competition (Strength)Favored Weapon: SpearJyggalag - Lawful Neutral - The Prince of OrderDomains: Artiface, Law, Protection, Rune, WarSubdomains: Inevitable (Law), Fortifications (Protection), Wards (Rune), Tactics (War)Favored Weapon: GreatswordMalacath - Neutral - The Prince of the Spurned and OstracizedDomains: Destruction, Fire, Law, Strength, WarSubdomains: Rage (Destruction), Smoke (Fire), Loyalty (Law), Ferocity (Strength), Duels (War)Favored Weapon: WarhammerMehrunes Dagon - Chaotic Evil - The Prince of Change, Destruction, and AmbitionDomains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, War Subdomains: Riot (Chaos), Catastrophe (Destruction), Demodand (Evil), Arson (Fire)Favored Weapon: DaggerMephala - Neutral Evil - The Prince of Lies, Murder, and SecretsDomains: Air, Death, Evil, Trickery, WarSubdomains: Cloud (Air), Murder (Death), Corruption (Evil), Ambush (Trickery), Blood (War)Favored Weapon: FalchionMeridia - Neutral Good - The Prince of LifeDomains: Death, Healing, Glory, Repose, SunSubdomains: Psychopomp (Death), Resurrection (Healing), Souls (Repose)Favored Weapon: Short SwordMolag Bal - Lawful Evil - The Prince of Domination and SlaveryDomains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Nobility, VoidSubdomains: Torture (Destruction), Devil (Evil), Slavery (Law), Naderi Alternate (Nobility), Isolation (Void)Favored Weapon: Heavy MaceNamira - Neutral Evil - The Prince of Decay Domains: Death, Earth, Evil, Plant, ScalykindSubdomains: Shadow (Death), Radiation (Earth), Cannibalism (Evil), Decay (Plant), Venom (Scalykind)Favored Weapon: CutlassNocturnal - Chaotic Neutral - The Prince of Night and DarknessDomains: Darkness, Earth, Luck, Protection, TrickerySubdomains: Night (Darkness), Caves (Earth), Solitude (Protection), Thievery (Trickery)Favored Weapon: RapierPeryite - Lawful Evil - The Prince of PestilenceDomains: Animal, Artiface, Death, Plant, SunSubdomains: Insect (Animal), Toil (Artiface), Plague (Death), Thorns (Plant), Thirst (Sun)Favored Weapon: BardicheSanguine - Chaotic Neutral - The Prince of DebaucheryDomains: Charm, Chaos, Nobility, Strength, TrickerySubdomains: Revelry (Chaos), Hubris (Nobility), Self-Realization), Innuendo (Trickery)Favored Weapon: WhipSheogorath - Chaotic Neutral - The Prince of MadnessDomains: Chaos, Charm, Liberation, Madness, WeatherSubdomains: Whimsy (Chaos), Captivation (Charm), Insanity (Madness), Storms (Weather)Favored Weapon: MorningstarVaermina - Chaotic Evil - The Prince of Dreams and NightmaresDomains: Chaos, Evil, Luck, Madness, Trickery Subdomains: Fear (Evil), Imagination (Luck), Nightmare (Madness), Espionage (Trickery)Favored Weapon: War RazorThis is the link to the document that has races, birth signs, backgrounds, and languages if anyone else likes Pathfinder 1E and is looking for some TES inspiration:
Only the real games are included of course.View Poll
So I managed to finagle my way into playing the Dovahkiin in a 15th level D&D one shot. I'm now trying to determine what weapon I want to give 'em.
TES oldheads cope so hard when they say this, it’s really just a nostalgia thing. Remove the nostalgia factor and Skyrim is the better game, and on par with Oblivion. Morrowind is still great but come on guys. No way you believe what you’re saying when you say it’s better than Skyrim. I’ve played Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind fully (DLCs included) and: Oblivion >= Skyrim >>> Morrowind.