The Empire

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This is a little game created under 72hs for the GMCJAM32, and then refined for the Blackthornprod GAME JAM #2 under the next 4 days. I was lucky to join 2 GameJams that happened at the same time so I decided to merge the themes, which were "Conquest" and "Mini-planets".

I highly recommend playing the downloadable version, since it plays a lot more smooth.

The game is about space domination, where you have to dominate each planet individually and beat your opponent to it!

The game is played in turns. Each turn you are either able to move some troops (never leaving less than one in a planet) or pass your turn. 

The planet information is shown on the left pane and includes info like maximum population capacity, growth and defense.

I was able to create 2 levels into the game, so when you beat the first one your are propped to the second. When you beat the second one you go back to the first (Maybe to replay it?!)

Game was created using Game Maker 1.4 and all assets, excluding the background/SFX music, were created by myself.

Background music is by:

SFX come from a Universal Sound FX bundle that I bought some time ago.

With the rest of my free time I make videos teaching how to make similar games @Youtube, check my channel out:

I truly hope you have fun playing it! If you have any sugestions, please leave a comment below!

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Mar 4, 2019

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