The Fire Inside
The Fire Inside will take you on a journey inside your mind, taking you out of your safe haven and forcing you to travel a dark forest in search of your true self. You must not let your inner flame die and eventually, each step at a time, you'll reach your own personal emancipation.
This game was developed for the gr8artgames jam realized in Brazil in 2017. The theme was "emancipation". We believe any sort of emancipation must first start inside yourself; only after you free yourself from the dark places that haunt your mind you can expand this freedom to the outside world.
- Use the Arrow Keys or AWSD to move
- Use the Space Bar or E to light up your torch or the forest torches and bonfires
- Always stay inside the safety of the firelights
- Use a headphone for the optimal experience
- Make it to the final bonfire for a mind-blowing ending!
Developed by @mgaiastudio
Programming/Design - Felipe Cancian Bertozzo
Art/Design - Bruno Toledo
Music/SFX - damettostudios