The Heart's Illumination
After losing several of her masks, the menreiki tsukumogami Hata no Kokoro gets lost in a blizzard.
She comes across a lantern tsukumogami named Nagai Fuyu - who offers to help her retrieve her masks and return home safely.
Controls are:
Arrow Keys/WASD - movement
Z/J/Enter - select
X/K/Backspace - reset a puzzle, skip dialog
Escape - pause
F11 - fullscreen
Known bugs:
Resetting a puzzle after fighting the ice fairy will block the ice fairy path.
The Heart's Illumination is a romance/puzzle RPG made for the Touhou Fan Game Jam 4!
The contributors and their social medias are:
minute(Twitter), who did the art (and it looks beautiful).
Rae(Twitter), who did the story (and assisted where he could).
Karob(Github), who did the coding (he's going to heaven for all his patience).
Aria(Bandcamp), who did the music (which is all so cool).
And several people on who created sound effects that helped us save time.
In addition, a big thanks to the organizers of the Touhou Fan Game Jam, whose organization and friendliness made it easy to create a team, and who've made participating in this game jam to be a treat <3.