The Ice Caves (itch)
The Ice Caves
created for Mini Jam 124
by snwhd and Suite Pea
Navigate the frozen cavern with nothing but your score by your side.
Music by Suite Pea (Instagram, Soundcloud)
Programming and Art by snwhd
- WASD + space to move
- J to grab your score
- K to activate abilities
- escape to reset the level
- shift + [1-6] to skip to that level, cheater
- 0 - normal block
- 1 - ladder
- 2 - copy*
- 3 - float**
- 4 - normal block
- 5 - explode
- 6 - warmth
- 7 - normal block
- 8 - spring
- 9 - normal block
* copy will have the power of the last digit it touched, indicated by color
** float cannot be deactivated