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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
First Of all, this is just a slightly negative rating, as the Game is not really bad but mistakes have been made In various Places that extremely inhibit the Fun of the Game as I find.
I would call myself a quite experienced Diablo 3 Player and was therefore enticed TO compare VH3 with D3.
ITEMS diablo 3 offers, as I find, a greater Change in arms, since there the epic loot through the effix give a different Sense Of play. In Addition, the DMG Difference, etc, is much larger from weapon to weapon. At VH3 I have the feeling when I have a new Weapon, the 0.000000000001 makes more damage and even pulls off LP or something.
Cube We find a similar Cube system as in D3 alelrdings, the "Cube" in VH3 is almost useless And can be understood more as an increased degree of Difficulty, since the bonis are in part absolutely useless.
Character depth (not in The Story sense) In Diablo 3 you could change your build quite well spontaneously and skilli how to be funny. (Yes, predetermined by lvl but more varied)
In VH 3 we have a few Skills that we can skilli, we can skilly stats and passive "Auras," half of which don't matter or have little Impact. The Skills are actually quite nice, but there are just too few.
Tutorial learning curve felt takes a game Zero to Hand despite helping popups in the first mission. Much is explained by itself, but not everything. How do you get back into the tower defense purely when you have buck on it? What are Essences for? What brings to enchanting? Etc.
Home base The Cities in D3 were uncluttered and you didn't have to walk long. In VH3 we have a single Hiding Place and there are a lot of Things like I find too far apart. The Camp is quite handy and also ensures a coherent Atmo.
OST Soundtrack is good. You can't complain. Has also recognizable.
Grinding Nun D3 originally had to become a Grinding game as Zeil because of the Auction House accordingly, that should also make fun. If you want to have Monster Plan, you have to set this Up under the Options first. Quests that you have finished incorrectly cannot be repeated and you cannot save from them. Grinden is therefore hardly possible until nothing in VH3. And also offers rather little Long-term Motivation for the Collection Freaks, as the Drops of the Monsters are Usually insignificant to superfluous.
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Beautiful Soundtrack. You can do it already but it is not comparable to D3, because it simply has too many minor Teething problems.
Still feasible. Try