The Kingdom (Rustywolf)

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Use your divine wisdom to lead your people into an age of prosperity. Manage gold, food and population growth to expand your kingdom into the world before your 25 year reign ends.

Building costs gold, and some buildings have upkeep in the form of food. You will need to balance these factors alongside your castles and outposts to succeed.


Left click and drag to rotate the world
Click a building button on the left-hand side of the screen and then click a valid square in the world to place it. Valid squares will be blue when you hover on them.


Making sure you don't run out of resources is a balancing act. Try to stay as close to neutral resource production as possible to maximise population growth without running out of resources.

Focus on gold production first, then move on to food. Once you have the foundations for both you can start expanding. The game is in finding how little you can get away with!

You have a limited amount of turns to get the population growing, so placing outposts as early as you can will lead to more growth overall (as long as you don't overextend your resources!)

If you think its unlikely you will find a gold ore early on to create a mine, you should consider building a few markets before you run out of gold.

Towers are great. Not only do they let you cross the ocean, they also provide more information than regular towers, revealing useful resources.

If you experience an issue with crackling audio, I'm unaware of a fix for it. Sorry in advance.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jun 4, 2021

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