Average Playtime: 1 hour

The King's Bird

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Flight · Flow · Freedom

Escape into a world kept secret by a tyrant, and discover the truth about your freedom. The King’s Bird is an artistic, momentum-based game that seamlessly combines precision-platforming with physics-based gliding.

New yet easily accessible take on the precision-platforming genre
  • Dynamic background music and sounds that change based on your movements
  • Text-less narrative told through visuals in motion
  • Five unique worlds to explore, full of vibrance and colorful silhouettes, with inspirations from ancient Mayan, Southeast Asian, and Roman cultures
Release date
Serenity Forge
Graffiti Games
Graffiti Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: 1.7 GHz Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
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Last Modified: Feb 10, 2025

Where to buy

Epic Games
PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
Xbox Store

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The King's Bird reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The first Impression was breathtaking. I'm just coming fresh out of the Spear Corner around Celeste. That's why I'm very spoiled as far as Movement in Platformers is concerned. However, I can only say that this Game itself surpasses that! The Controls are simple and very quickly Become Intuitive and the Mobility in the World is huge! You can get to almost any Corner of the Screen if you do it correctly. You almost feel like you're sliding in the Wind yourself and Wideling Distances as if it's a Breeze. The Music is breathtaking. A Masterpiece of Idyllic Sounds that reflect the Lightness of the Bird and accompany the Player throughout the Game. Visually, The Kings Bird is also a Masterpiece. It is rooted in already well-known Games like The Journey and is a Journey through a wonderfully presented Story that can do without Language! Atmospherically, everything harmonizes beautifully with each other. Was, of course, still looking for errors in a newly released Game will always find it. Here are a few sound-effects that don't quite fit and a few interesting Things that can happen at Edges and Corners. However, one only Notices if one listens very closely on the one hand and on the other hand is looking for a lot by speedruns. Gameplay 10/10 Control 10/10 Music 10/10 graphic 09/10 Story 09/10 The Game is a Hit and is worth every Penny!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A Feast For the eyes with mechanical Depth. A beautiful Pictorial Style reminiscent of Games like Apotheon and which, in Combination with the cheerful soundtrack, invites you to forget the Worries of Everyday life and immerse yourself in the imaginative world of this lost Kingdom. Ongoing, jumping and gliding, you work your Way through the colorfully designed Levels and learn to combine these Maneuvers in a way that makes you feel similar to water flowing through a Maze. So If you just have to decide whether you want to get involved in the gameplay on offer, you just have to decide whether you want to get involved in the Gameplay on offer. The Basic Maneuvers of the game are brought closer to the Player in, in my Opinion very well, levels based on each other. But the natural Learning Curve that the Game strives for requires something that is unfortunately not really described anywhere: The Curiosity of the Player. Many of the early Levels can be solved on a wide variety of Possibilities and if you like it, you can also quickly get through them without even exterminating the Finesse of the Men's themselves. At the End of the Game, some Players report a significant Increase In difficulty, which was not noticeable To me personally. Each Level contains collectable Dragonflies, a certain Number of Which you need to collect to advance in the Game. I wanted to collect all The Dragonflies and this often required you to think carefully about how to combine your Maneuvers to achieve them. These frequent knob and Tasting phases were but which made you visibly better in the Game and which made up for the Fun of playing for me. I got better and better with the Mechanics that the Game offered through my own Curiosity and so I always had success experiences that you miss In many modern Games. So This Game is not for everyone. But If you enjoy (self-imposed) Challenges and enjoy the Feeling of visibly getting better and better, then the Game is highly recommended! You also find the Image and Music style to be superior?! -Why haven't you bought the Game yet?! ;)
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