The Land Of The Hungry God
Made for Ludum Dare 49 Game Jam - Unstable
Your task is to rebuild civilization after your hungry god destroyed it. You have to manage your resources well, or your civilization will become unstable and collapse. Certain buildings can only be built on certain tiles. Monsters of the land will attack your city periodically over the years, you have to build up power to protect yourself. After 200 years the hungry god will awaken again and attempt to devour all you've built. Can you stop it?
You can check out the Ludum Dare page for a quick explanation of some of the mechanics.
The game doesn’t have any kind of tutorial or a lot of ui so I’ll do some explaining here.
- This image represents population. The number ticks up based on how many buildings you have. If you run out of food it goes down as people die. You need it to be a certain level to upgrade your capital building.
- This image is for military power. Once you upgrade your capital building you’ll be able to increase it. A high military power is necessary to beat the game.
- This image is for your stability. Stability goes down when you have resource deficits or you’re attacked by monsters. If it reaches zero the game ends.
- This is an example of one of the buildings. Some of the buildings, like this one, have requirements for the tiles they can be built on. This building for example can only be built on forest tiles.
- This is a wizard tower and it consumes magic crystals once built in exchange for a buff in military power. Be very, VERY careful with these, as there’s nothing that destabilizes a civilization like angry wizards.
Other tips:
You can press the “Space” bar to change how quickly time passes
A large part of buildings resource generation is what tiles are nearby them. Packing buildings close together isn’t ideal.
You can build over a building to delete it. If you build too many wizard towers for example you could pave roads over them to save yourself.
You can move the map around with wasd.
To everyone who’s played the game so far, thank you so much. Your suggestions were really helpful. I’ll also be including here a quick explanation on what the different buildings are and what they do. I probably should have done this earlier.
Each of these values are produced once every three months or so.
capital building - produces a little food and a little construction.
log cabins will produce some thing like .3 food per tile without a building near it.
will produce 1 construction base, and .5 more for each forest near it. needs to be built on a forest.
will produce 2 construction. needs to be build on a mountain.
will produce .5 magic needs to be built on crystals.
will produce 2.5 magic needs to be built on ruins.
produces 2 food and costs 1 wealth every five months
adds 10 martial power cost 1 wealth per five months
adds 100 martial power costs 10 wealth per five months
adds 100 martial power costs 10 magic every five months
Summon heroes from another world. Will max out your martial power and doesn’t cost anything once built.
Also a tip for those who would like to seriously try and beat the game, at the moment the only strategy that I've seen work consistently is to max out food and construction production by building as many log cabins and lumber mills as possible while keeping the time on slow. This also increases population growth, allowing you to max your capital upgrade to three before year 300, after which you don't build any wizard towers or military buildings and only focus on building the Hero Gate. One of my friends who I had play test this game managed to get five of them in a single playthrough. If you build just one though it's possible to win. I believe it's also possible to build a bunch of forts just before year 400 which is when it becomes possible for the game to end, but I haven't tried it yet.