The Last Warrior (ELV Games)
The Last Warrior is made with Game Maker Studio 2.3 for the Driftwood Game Jam!
You are the last Warrior and you seek vengeance against the orcs and demons that killed all of your clan!
This is a game that I will continue the development after the game jam!
Dungeon Crawler.
Not what it seems. (cute characters, dark game!)
Left Click - Attack
Right Click - Skill
1, 2, 3, 4 - Skills Slots
W, A, S, D - Movement
Q, E - Use Potions
R - Shout (Stun Enemies)
Shift - Avoid Enemy Attacks
F - Interaction
T - Trade (with some NPCs)
C - Status Window
Elv Games
Pegonthetrack - Music
Teknoaxe - Music
1upindie - Sprites