The Lone Light
- How is the game played
You play as a little yellow light particle that is isolated from the yellow light. Because it wants to go back to the yellow light, you solve puzzles to get there. These puzzles involve changing your color by moving over light sources and then pressing buttons corresponding with your current color to open doors with that color. To end the level you find the broken wire to turn back yellow and join the yellow light.
- Controls
Basic movement: a, s,d and w keys or the arrow keys.
Pause screen: Escape key
- Credits
Made by:
Jasmine Sancho - Art, Gamedesign Ben Rosenmöller - Programming, Editorwork, Gamedesign
Special Thanks:
Hanne van der Ven - Candle Art, Testing, Ideas Noa Rosenmöller - Testing and critic Jaap Westhoek, Maria Rosenmöller and Behailu Westhoek - Playthrough
Used Sources: for some free sounds Brackeys AudioManager script