The Loop (VideoGamester)

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Ludum Dare 47 Compo Submission

This game was developed in just under two days as a part of Ludum Dare 47. Based on the design choices, sound design, art, and humor common in point-and-clicks of old.  This game does play into the old style arbitrary puzzles to some degree, though I tried to limit that. So far the fastest I've completed it is with 1 loop on the counter. 

I am also clearly not artistically inclined. But I also limited myself to a pallette of 5 colors with 5 shades/tints for a total of 25 colors randomly generated by a bot. I did make one exception to that rule with the screwdriver for design reasons.

I also tried to imitate some old Foley techniques with an older mic to try and get the sound for the intro to have that retro feel. 

Note: There is one serious bug I couldn't squash. If  you make the window lose focus while loading from the menu into the game it will open into a tiny window. As long as you don't click out during that load you should be fine.

Theme - Stuck in a loop

The theme for this game is inspired by the mechanics of Minit. I adapted that to fit into the arbitrary puzzle nature of old point-and-clicks so each run you gain a bit more knowledge about how each puzzle is solved. The only thing kept between loops is your inventory and knowledge of the puzzles. Most puzzle answers are set. The only randomized piece is who the time bomber is. This game has three endings. The Good, The Bad, and the Mediocre. Each with its own unique cutscene.

Controls -

Left click. Click on everything. Your inventory in the bottom left. Characters. Bits of odd art. etc...

Story - 

You play as Sister Ruthia of the Cybercloth Order. On your way to a gathering where you will become one with the Allseeing, your cyber rail is hit by a terrorist with a time bomb. Being just outside its effect radius you are orbiting its event horizon causing you to continually relive the loop. There may be a way to stop it, just may take a few loops to do so...

Tools -

Gamemaker Studio 2.3, Aseprite, Abundant Music, a case of Monster Energy, and your mom.

Ludum Page$216301

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 5, 2020

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