The Lost Child (itch) (UOWM Game Development, EleenCYW, natalienawie, Yuichi Ryou, Hoo Yong Jun, darrenchong, leongjifei, NewbieAF, asascent, raynatang, wahazwan, Chiew)
The Lost Child
This is a group project that made by a group of UOWKDU students.
Our development team consists of 12 students from UOWMKDU that have created a game within 3 months for the subject Game Project Studio 1 to learn about the experience of being game developers.
The Lost Child is a 2D side scrolling point-and-click adventure game. The game’s protagonist, Max, went to the National Art Museum with his parents for a family trip. When he was there, Max became too bored to stay still in the lobby, and eventually wandered off to other parts of the museum to find a quiet space to write in his journal. Soon, he is lured by an Unknown Voice (later to be introduced as Ayu) calling for help, leading him to one of the galleries. As he believes the voice is coming from one of the paintings, he reaches his hand out to it and then faints... Max is then pulled into an alternate version of the Museum where it is darker and more grim with creatures lurking in the hallway and his parents nowhere to be found. The unknown voice pleads Max for help to search for her belongings by interacting with objects found in that realm; she promises to free him if he collects all of them. Max is able to enter different parts of the Unknown Voice’s memories which allows him to collect the required items and bring them back to the empty display cases found in her gallery. As Max solves puzzles and collects more of her items, he can piece parts of her story together to find out how she was trapped in the museum...and whether she is the person she claims to be.
Art Team
Vanessa Ong
Simon Yong
Darren Chong
Leong Ji Fei
Design Team
Leong Yi Chen
Natalie Nawie
Hoo Yong Jun
Tech Team
Chiew Jia Hong
Rayna Tang
Wan Hazwan
Enric Low
Eleen Cheah