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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
My Review of "The Monster Inside" In "The Monster Inside" is about a Killing spree that you play through from the Point of view of a Detective.
The Game is a Visual Novel. The Story is very short and it can hardly be changed to no change at all.
The Music fits perfectly with the Look and story of the Game. The Game is recommended to everyone as it is beautifully made and free.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
A game that ends quickly. The graphics are Moose and interesting animations (especially in the last chapter I found). The music is good, and the typography reminds the police reports typed to the mchine to write. I didn't expect to find any supernatural in this story, but either.
There is not much to play: a few choices and inspect 3 crime scenes in 2 clicks.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
What can I say about this ...?
Very good Music! Matching the Atmosphere! :D
The Story is very interesting ... seeeeehr interesting ... "what-the-♥ ♥ ♥ ♥-interesting ..." It left me with an Air of Confusion ... The "plot twist" was not now sooooo surprising, to be honest ... However, a bit confusing XD It's really very short, but that didn't bother me! It took me about 23 Minutes to play through it:)
Would I recommend this UN to others? Sure, sure, why not? It's free and interesting. Xd
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
A very short Visual Novel. We play a Man called "Jack." The Game begins with a Woman coming into Jack'S Office and asking for help in a Murder case where There seems to be more behind than assumed for the time being. From a Gameplay point of View, it's a simple Visual Novel. There are the respective Crime Scenes that we need to investigate or simply click on certain Things. The Achievements are very easy to get, you just have to play through the Game.
+ Free + Short + Exciting Story + Nice Graphic Style + Music & Sound quite good + Light Achievements Conclusion: Definitely worth playing through
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Interesting, if extremely short, visual Novel. Usually this is not a Kind of Game "game" that I would watch, but I liked the art style in the Steam preview, so it kind of appealed to me. I think for everyone who likes Visual Novels, this is clearly a Recommendation-especially since it's free. If you have a few Minutes to do so, you can put this little Bit of Calm in.
PS: If I am to be honest, I would like to see a full Game from the Way-decorate everything a little and more Scope then I would also like to pay something for it.
Pro:-interesting minimalist art style-nice Crime Story-free Contra:-extremely short (maximum 30 Minutes)-no Things you could influence great in relation to the Story story (unfortunately) Partly predictable-----All game reviews of me in my < < Review Area > >
Review in English below ↓
Una historieta policiaca de veinte minutos, gratuita y entretenida, con un girito final muy curioso e inesperado.

Galeria de Imagenes:
A detective story of twenty minutes, free and enjoyable, with a curious and unexpected plot twist.
Photo Gallery: