The Monsters Judgement
This is my second full Unity game, and was the second coursework for the gamedev module at Southampton University. The purpose of this coursework was to demonstrate some story telling in our games. Our game involves a branching story line, with user choices and branching gameplay mechanics to support it. Our story is based on "the two travellers and the bear fable", where at the beginning of the story, you have the choice to try and protect your friend from a monster, or to hide and save yourself. The gameplay then diverges based on which decision you make. We also spent a large amount of time working on NPC dialogue, which responds to changes in the world to create a more dynamic environment. This was another pairwork task, and my role in the development of this game was the character movement and mechanics, enemy AI, NPC dialogue system, the story engine, the narrative as well as the cutscenes at the beginning and end of the game (Oh my God animation takes forever I hope I never have to go near it again!). Note that the game works best in fullscreen mode.