The Protector's Lair

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[Version française de la page]

As an explosion and mysterious creatures are causing panic on the surface of the island, May leaves to find the origin of this chaos. On the way, she meets several companions who will follow her on the road to the Protector's lair.

The Protector's Lair is a 2D side-view adventure game. On your way, you will meet many creatures that you will have to interact with, in order to get past natural and magical obstacles. You will be helped by:

  • Your notes containing information about all living beings on the island.
  • The powers of Pyx, who can penetrate the thoughts of animals.
How To Play?

Download the zip file corresponding to your operating system. Then, unzip the whole archive et run the executable file in the unzipped folder. If Windows SmartScreen shows an alert, ignore it and choose to "Run anyway".

REMARK: controls were thought for french keyboards. On a qwerty, if you cannot switch to the french layout, you should be fine as long as you use the arrows to move. Only 2 places of the game might feel a bit weird on a qwerty layout.

Tip: if you're blocked, you can access any level directly with CTRL + L + (F1 to F11 depending on the level).


I started this game in June 2016. Initially, it was just a small holiday project to learn Unity. As time passed, I wanted to make something better and the time necessary to finish the project increased. 4 years later, after rebooting the project twice, it is finally finished!

A first (french-only) version was released in 2017, it is still accessible on this page if you are curious (password: unity2016).


Any feedback/comment is welcome! Please keep in mind that it is an amateur project created on my free time. I'm as much interested in what you liked as what you disliked. Namely, what did you think of:

  • The graphics? Creatures design?
  • The dialogues?
  • The story?
  • The sound design?
  • The music?
  • The "puzzles"?
  • The controls?
  • The overall experience (did you enjoy playing)?

At the time I am writing this (end of August 2020) I already spent a lot of time fixing problems from early feedback I received. I will still fix any major problem or easy things (like typos or grammar), but in the short term I would like to put an end to this project. A post-mortem (in French) will follow very soon.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Aug 31, 2020

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