The Royal Advisor Alpha

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In most games, you play as the champion. You play as the one who wins wars, solves the worlds problem, and becomes a hero. But what about living in the shadows for once? What about avoiding both punishment and praise for your actions? Well The Royal Advisor is the game that embraces those ideas. Along with that, this game combines resource management and choose your own adventure concepts. The alpha demo includes a somewhat unpolished version of the first 10% of the game, but it will give you a good idea of what the game is about.

As mentioned above this game is in the ALPHA state of game development. It game many of the basic features, but needs a lot of fine tuning. If you find any bugs we would love to know about them because they could be from features that will be incorporated into later version of the game.

Before downloading you should know about some features which aren't yet included in the game (well at least this version):

1. IMPORTANT: If characters stop coming, you can exit to the main menu and then continue to the game to fix it. This bug will hopefully be fixed by version 0.6.0.

2. Volume Controls-This will hopefully be in the next alpha version so you won't have to wait long.

3. Setting Menu Availability-Don't worry, it isn't a bug that the settings menu doesn't work. We haven't yet added this to the game due to some uncertain future development decisions.

4. Balance-This game is as of now really poorly balances. We're using this more as a proof of concept and not really a full game.

5. Minigames-We plan to break up the long and possibly boring stream of dialog with a few important minigames. We game some awesome plans for where to take these!

6. More Gameplay-This game only contains about 15% of unrefined gameplay. The game is separated into months and 15 unrefined months are included. The full game with contain at least 100 months. (And possibly a later update to 120 months so we can add a ten year in-game celebration.)

7. Cutscenes-We want to add prolog/epilogue like features, but of course, this game is in early alpha development so these features are currently absent.

8. Diverse Gameplay Experiences-Other top secret additions to the gameplay are planned to be added.

Release date
Shakespear Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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