The Rpg
The Rpg is a work in progress batch file rpg game with a save and load.
its alpha 6.0 right now :D (this game will be updated, I'm not dropping it any time soon)
Info about the game:
The Rpg is a batch file Rpg game, features include:
1. 2 save and load files your charater
3.9 enemy's so far, armoury and dojo
5.upgrade stats at the dojo, buy items at the shop, and buy Armour and weapons at the armoury
6.refill hp and energy at the inn
7.earn more money with the slots and pick a number
8 and money and equip your amour/weapons too!
(the game may seem short right now but, there's a lot more to come)
If you have any problems or suggestions email me: [email protected]
if you pay and extra $0.10 i will email you a $500 in-game money file (i can see the emails of the people who buy)
if you pay an extra $0.20, i will email you an $1000 in-game money file
if you have the game send me the $0.10/$0.20 through paypal (paypal email: [email protected]) and I'll send you the file through gmail
if you dont get the money file then email [email protected] (money file is a .mon file and needs to be in the same folder as the game to work)