The Seventh Circuit

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Edit the code to prepare the timing of this horse race simulator, featuring strange characters in a strange land. Find the Scratch project at (

Change "Estimated Race Time" to determine the number of seconds that characters will race for. All characters have an equal chance of winning, though randomization causes them to reach their destination up to 15 minutes earlier or later than the average travel.  The race is currently set to take place over approximately 10 minutes.

Press "Q" once you have read enough about the characters and want to see if your bet was correct!

This game was created for the Portland Indie Game Squad June 2019 Summer Slow Jams under the "Arcade" and "Occult Classic" themes. It was run on-site at the June 29th Closing Showcase, where participants bet on which racer they thought would win, and those who guessed the winning character received a button at the end of the night. Real Quiet came in first with a short lead, while Orb, the crowd favorite, came in dead last.


By Will Lewis.
Thanks to the Portland Indie Game Squad and Summer Slow Jams communities for their support and for playing the game.
Special thanks to Marlowe for support.
Story elements inspired by a rabid thirst for DnD.
All racer names drawn from real-life racehorse names.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jul 5, 2019

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