The Shopkeeper reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game is .. special. I have to say, I thought it was boring. I'm not that kind of story person. However, I was chasing achievements almost all my Playing Time. That's what it's already. The Game is something for anyone who has good English Skills and is interested in Stories. Patience wouldn't be bad either, after all, you have to experience the same Daily Routine over and over again.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Gafapasta in a pure state. At first it seems to be a classic Gáfica adventure, but then it is a series of scenes that are repeated until you arrive with the correct combination of dialogues and the game ends as it begins, without knowing what the you're playing. It'S in English without any subtitles. The author wanted it so, to stay better with the intonation of the voices or not-know-what. If It wasn't such a deep experience I would say that it's a ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ pinched on a stick, I guess I'm too insensitive.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
The shopkeeper is an adventure game where it is necessary to be very good in English ATTENTION, this is a game that is difficult in either. There is a solution, a way to go and if you are mistaken, you will start over and over again. So in addition, if you are not fluent in English, you may take your computer and swing it through the window (extreme) or negatively note this game (in a softer way). I'm disordering both. The game is good and even very good, but it requires to be a pro in English. It's a must! To play the shopkeeper, you must be very good in English and enjoy adventure games that come out of the beaten path. To discover all my impressions on the shopkeeper [].
Translated by
Microsoft from French
I think I've never heard such a good voice acting in my life. We feel that the actors who participated in the dubbing have really put their person to make this game both attractive, full of life and mysterious. The mystery, Yes... This mystery maintained throughout our too short parties thanks to the absence of any subtitled and thanks to the impossibility of playing in French. Perhaps one of the best ideas ever developed in a video game. By reflecting on it a little more, no, the best idea in this game is to achieve it on 4 static screens, with characters with minimalist and sacrealist animations, and especially to make the story start over indefinitely, giving the impression that there is a story in the history of history, itself encapsulated in a story hidden in the history of a story, and so on... No, well, more seriously, this game sucks. No. N-U-L. N. U. L. We understand nothing about what is told, it is doubled with the feet, and in addition it is not even nice to watch. In short, to swing by the nearest airlock.