The Silent Swan (itch)

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The Silent Swan

The Silent Swan is a first-person open world narrative experience across a monolithic, derelict world. Mixing both the walking simulator and open world genres together, the game brings the meaning of openness to urban areas for the first time to this scale.


The story follows Mirov Kavrazyma as he enters The Land Beyond the Walls in pursuit of Selene, his deaf-mute wife, who has vanished without a trail—except for a series of four-winged paper swans. These swans contain writings left behind by Selene, in the seeming intentions of being found and tracked by Mirov.

Throughout the game Mirov will gradually near the bed of the calamity that struck his home and get closer to the truths he is determined to unearth, while a strange uneasiness warns him he best walk back.

Mirov and Selene, the neighbouring cities of Urzhum and Sernur, timelessness and progress, will all be key themes of the story contained within The Silent Swan.


Gameplay-wise, The Silent Swan follows the open world formula of exploration and collection of items but with a narrative twist, being the letters and stories of those who walked the abandoned land the items to be found, and these same letters serving as guide and tool to further acquire more stories.

The massive overworld defined by the walls have sparsely located urban areas to them. These urban areas are all connected by landbridges—terrestrial bridges rising above the ground—which the player navigates on quicycles. These sections of the game will be mostly environmental, with the occasional stop inbetween.

The levels themselves are monolithic urban areas, with the peculiarity that every building, every floor, every walkway, will be completely traversable. This will serve both a purely environmental and artistic purpose, as well as a tool that will compel the player to read letters and dialogues that guide the way on.

System Requirements * Minimum Recommended OS Windows 10 (version 1607)
Debian 10 (updated to 2021) ** Windows 10 (version 1809)
Debian 11 (updated to 2021) ** CPU Intel Core i7 8700K
AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Intel Core i5 10400F
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X RAM 16,00 GB (DDR4) *** 16,00 GB (DDR4) *** GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 (4,00 GB)
AMD Radeon RX 570 (4,00 GB) Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 (6,00 GB)
AMD Radeon RX 5600 (6,00 GB) Storage 16,00 GB (SSD) 16,00 GB (SSD)

* This data is just a reference, the game should be able to run on any computer with equivalent or better hardware and/or software, including but not limited to, different OS distros or hardware interfaces.

** Linux-based game binaries are planned for future release.


*** Due to some technical difficulties, the minimum RAM required to play this game has been temporarily increased. We are working really hard to lower the memory consumption. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Release date
Studio Circenses
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Dec 24, 2021

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