The Station reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Here are my Impressions after the first Play: I had reached the End of the Game after just under 2h, but by no means looked at everything very closely or read through it. But I will play the Game again and take a close look at all the Audio Files, Messages, Documents, Drawings and Notes. So my previous 2h can only be called "run through," I just wanted to know pointed out:) Graphically, the Game is very nice. Just Marveled at many Rooms. The Atmosphere here is simple. Did get me right into the Game. I received the Game through my Support at Kickstarter and have been looking forward to It for a very long time. At the Beginning of the Kickstarter Campaign, I didn't quite know exactly what to expect in the finished Game. You always imagine beforehand how the Game could become then, and I have to say it's almost exactly as I imagined it to be. The Atmosphere pulled me into Play. There's a bit of a mystery, one or the other Horror Moment, a lot to explore and a Story you just want to learn. Now, however, I will start my next Pass and explore everything in Peace.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Too bad the Game would have a good Base to really be a good walking Simulator with good History. Unfortunately, the Developers don't really make much of it and Bugs destroy the Fun of the Game. 5x I had to restart the Game because Parts of the Station suddenly became invisible and all The changes to the Graphics did not help. But at the End of the day I managed to play a Round round completely. The Error was already criticized in the Discussion Groups in February by some People and one Developer even assured there that they would work on it. Unfortunately, it looks like interest in it has dried up and I can only reward something like that with a Thumbs down. Sorry, however, these are not Trifles, but Gamestopper/Gamebreaker and MUST be eliminated by a responsible Team! The Story is also completely predictable and Does not gain depth throughout the Game. You could really have done a lot more of it here. Plus, the bit of superficial Story is over far too quickly. I guess I could play the full Game after the first Pass now, about in 30 Minutes-1 Hour. For several Hours, as some others describe, I don't actually see here. If I hadn't spent several Hours restarting and adding Bug circling, my Playing Time would have been significantly less. In the End, I only have a very limited purchase Recommendation for a very special Player bar to Pronounce. If you, like me, I'm a total Sci-fi fan and like To play Walking Simulators, you could take a closer look at "The Station." As long as her realize that an epic Story is not presented here, but rather an 0-8-15 Sci-fi Low budget Movie with very few Puzzles that are not worth talking about then waiting For a fair Deal. If the Price is definitely no higher than £550 at the Time of Purchase, you can at least kill a bit of Time with the Game. To Everyone else, I highly recommend, leave your Fingers off it. Sorry DEVs, however, the Potential has definitely not been exhausted and as long as the Errors persist, I will stick to the Conclusion of this Review.