The Stressed Out Roomba
The Stressed Out Roomba
Being a Roomba vacuum is stressful. Maneuver around obstacles and furniture and most important avoid those scary pets who always want to attack you.
Collect all the crumbs on the floor before the dogs of the household get you first!
Controls:WASD - Movement
Version:- [V1.0] 5-15-2022
- [V2.0] 5-16-2022
- Bug Fixes
- Crumbs not disappearing when interacted on by player
- Dog Enemy not restarting level when colliding with player
- Fixed inconsistence game title Capitalization
- Updates
- Added sound effect to crumbs
- Added two more Dog Enemies
- Added an End Screen
- Added a scoreboard and counter
- Added Quit and Restart Key function
- Bug Fixes
- [V2.1] 5-18-2022
- Bug Fixes
- Score not resetting to 0 when the game is restarted from the end screen
- Updates
- Changed application file name
- Added a new file icon
- Adjusted start menu UI
- Adjusted Score UI
- Reset key press added to game screen
- Updated Dog Enemy model with a nose
- Bug Fixes