Average Playtime: 4 hours

The Void Rains Upon Her Heart

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An alien girl is trapped in a cave and surrounded by bizarre monsters. She can not fight those creatures, but she can befriending them with the power of love! Every monster will react in their own violent ways, but even the most powerful can be swayed by this ultimate power. Every defeated monster will give her gifts that make her love even stronger. Can her love grow strong enough to fend off The Void itself? Or will her heart be broken once again?

Content Warning
This game explores some very heavy topics such as anxiety, depression, and suicide. This game also contains scenes of non-sexual nudity.GameplayThe Void Rains Upon Her Heart is primarily a boss-rush bullet-hell game. As such, There are no stages with small enemies to get though, only boss battles!

Each boss has it's own range of difficulty levels which can accommodate all skill levels from "completely new to shmups" all the way to "I'm pretty good at shmups." A level 1 boss can have a completely different set of attacks than a level 9 version of the same boss!

A playthrough of Story Mode consists of several randomly chosen battles in a row with a final boss waiting at the end. Each monster will give you at least one random gift that permanently powers you up for the rest of the run. If your heart's health ever runs out, then your heart will break and you will be sent back to the beginning. Oh, and your health does not refill after each battle, unless a gift heals you. You will need a combination of skill and luck make it through this!

There is also a Quickplay Mode, where you can battle any boss at any level and equip any gifts that you have found. You can use this mode to practice any high level battles that give you touble in story mode or you can go for high scores and earn medals.

Don't forget the Secret Mode where you can Give up and throw yourself into the eternal emptiness of the Void!
Release date
Veyeral Games
The Hidden Levels
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 64bit compatible Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DX11 compliant graphics card
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 200 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 25, 2023

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Blinding Radiance
Earn a Radiant Medal in any level 10 Quickplay battle or higher
A Sublime Medal!
Earn a Sublime Medal in Ultra Quickplay
40 Radiant Medals!
Earn a Radiant Medal in 40 unique Quickplay battles
Tetrahedron of Power
Collect a total of 16 radiant tetrids
Defect: Mote Extractor
Extract 150,000 total motes from monsters as Defect in Story Mode
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A lil' Void Rains, then trying AK-xolotl
the void rains upon her heart // let's take a look see // !vote !plush !yt
(2/3) Spreading Our Love all Over Again! | The Void Rains Upon Her Heart
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The Void Rains Upon Her Heart reviews and comments

(Disclaimer: I'm friends with the publisher of this game but I insisted on buying a key because of how much I liked the demo. This review was written based on Early Access version 1.0 and is a repost of my Steam review from that time - the current version as of this repost is 1.3.)

The Void Rains Upon Her Heart is a side-scrolling boss-rush shoot-'em-up roguelite. Which sounds like it could be a questionable mix of genres, but the roguelite elements are handled quite well, providing a bit of spice to its surprisingly robust shoot-'em-up gameplay by making each run somewhat different, rather than dominating the design.

As a boss-rush game, Void lives or dies by its boss design, so it's reassuring that the 14 bosses in the current version range from excellent to, at worst, somewhat uninspiring, with at least 11 of them being very entertaining to face off against. Likewise, they're almost all very different from each other, with only two feeling too closely related. I hope the developer can keep this up for the final version, with an intended 36 bosses. Likewise, the graphic and sound design is very well-executed, so fighting them also looks and sounds great.

The roguelite elements, as I mentioned, are more of a spice than a main attraction. A lot of the available powerups have fairly minor effects rather than game-changing ones, and (as a shoot-'em-up) it's generally possible to beat every boss without powerups regardless of difficulty. Likewise, while the enemies are randomized, later in the game you are often given a pretty wide choice to fight mostly the enemies you want, so that also mostly acts to vary things up rather than force the player out of their comfort zone. That said, it's not as though the choices are wholly uninteresting - I find the boss Syncron quite difficult still, and some of the major powerups - such as ones that allow you to shoot while charging shots, or give you triple shots - do change my strategy significantly.

About the only major downside for me is that I'd class the game as relatively easy, but I'm fairly good at the genre and, due to the selectable boss difficulty, this also means that it's fairly approachable for players who are new to the genre, or just not very good at it. Later versions claim that they will fix this, however, by adding a third, even harder difficulty mode, and there's still hard challenges in the game's "Quickplay" mode for me to accomplish - the highest scores require you to beat each boss with as close to never getting hit and never ending your combo chain on the boss as possible, which can be fairly hard even against the easier bosses.

In any case, I'd recommend The Void Rains Upon Her Heart to most fans of shoot-'em-ups, and due to the lower and generally player-selectable difficulty, for aspiring fans of shoot-'em-ups as well. The current Early Access version already has a good amount of content and feels like a full game - heck, the demo version also did, and could have come across as a highly-rated free game by itself - and I'm expecting it to only get better as the developer adds more bosses and powerups.
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