The WASD Challenge
A difficult puzzle+FPS game without the WASD keys!
left mouse: shoot
right mouse: zoom (unlock first!)
R: restart to last checkpoint
objective: solve all the puzzles and defeat the final boss
how to play: shoot the buttons on the walls to make actions, NOTE that the keys move you at a direction based on the circle below you, for example: if you shot the letter W you will move forward based on the direction of the line below you, and shooting the letter A will move you to the left relatively to the direction of the line,etc...
- always look around a new area, maybe there is a button that will make your life easier!
- time your bullets carefully
- if you are stuck, you can watch the walkthrough
i'd be happy if you sent me a picture of you defeating the boss!
everything was made by: The Missing Bracket (mohammad abumahfouz) solely, everything (exept audio) was made during the jam duration