The Worksheet Saga
The Worksheet Saga is a generative puzzle
game that takes place in an Excel spreadsheet, building on John Conway’s Game
of Life. These iconic and simple algorithms encourage emergent and engaging
play, using colors, simple rules, and familiar Excel elements to create a
unique interactive experience.
This is the first game in "The Medium is the Message" series
The goal of the game is to have the board labeled REACTION to be all in one color (blue or pink)
Click on any part of the board labeled ACTION to change the color of each cell on the boards
- Any WHITE cell with three BLUE neighbors will turn BLUE
- Any cell with fewer than two BLUE cells around it will turn WHITE
- Any cell with three Blue cells around it will turn PINK
- Any cell with three PINK cells around it will turn BLUE
Clicking on the RULE CHANGE button will allow you to change those rules
RESET will clear the board and reset the rules
RANDOMIZE will randomly fill the board according to the percentage you input (you can only fill up to 30%)
Note: This game runs on Excel, and will require you to have macros enabled