Average Playtime: 3 hours

theHunter: Primal

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Hunt - Explore - Survive

Welcome Pioneer!

Step into a huge Cretaceous world (24 km² / 9.3 mi²) where the very environment will test your survival skills to the max. This is the planet of Primal Eden. Help us reclaim, subdue and eradicate the savage wilderness so that we may plant the seed of civilization in its place. If you are successful, we will permanently erase your criminal records. If you fail, your dead body's nourishing of wild plants and animals will be seen as treason against the Expansive Galaxies Corporation and your extended family will be volunteered as Pioneers.

There should be some supplies in your drop pod to get you started. In order to survive, you will need to explore the world in search of more powerful weapons, clothing and ammo. Sounds easy? Well, not only is the island littered with poisonous plants, but deadly dinosaurs roam the island looking to feast on the weak.

Planet Primal Eden is inhabited by 5 different dinosaur species, including the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex and the much-dreaded Quetzalcoatlus, a.k.a. Menace of the Skies. Careful planning, cooperation and backpacks filled with ammo and weapons are crucial to your survival.

theHunter: Primal is a new instalment in the highly popular and critically acclaimed theHunter franchise, created by Expansive Worlds and Avalanche Studios. Since its release, the original game has grown into a 5 million strong player community, and is still growing rapidly.

theHunter: Primal offers both single player and multiplayer modes, with the option of creating private gaming sessions. If you are looking for a serious challenge, turn on the PVP function, team up with your friends and let all hell break loose. If you prefer cooperative hunting, you can turn off the PVP function and join your friends and other players in an effort to bring down the beasts of planet Primal Eden.

The game features a persistent inventory system, which means that everything you’ve collected in one game session will remain in your inventory in the next one. But it comes with a price. If you die, all your equipment is lost. If you are fast enough you can pick up your lost backpack before another hunter loots your stuff.

Happy hunting!
Release date
Avalanche Studios
Expansive Worlds
Expansive Worlds, Avalanche Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows ® 8/7/Vista/XP
  • Processor: Intel 3 GHz or AMD Dual Core
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVidia GeForce 8800, ATI/AMD Radeon HD 2400 (NVidia GeForce 8800, ATI/AMD Radeon HD 2400)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
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Last Modified: Oct 29, 2024

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1 edit
theHunter: Primal - Part 1: Let's Hunt Some Dinosaurs!
Dec 15, 2014
Jan 19, 2020
Некто Black, некто Wycc и много Тиранозавров [theHunter: Primal]
Dec 17, 2014
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Dec 15, 2014
Первый Хорро...
theHunter Primal (Gameplay/PT-BR) - Seguido Por Um Tiranossauro Rex (#1)
Sep 6, 2016
The Hunter Primal | HUNTING A TREX!!
Jun 21, 2017
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Harvest a player that is on a lower level then yourself
Harvest a player that is on the same level or higher than yourself
Serial killer
Harvest 10 other players
Harvest 25 other players
Second Primal T-Rex
Harvest a second Primal Tyrannosaurus
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theHunter: Primal reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Here is the shortened Review of the highly recommended theHunter: Primal. In the longer Version you will find the Criticism here: http://www.gameexperience.de/2015/01/thehunter-primal/"Technically, theHunter Primal may not be the very last of all Cry, but the island is still extraordinarily pretty to look at, because the Design from the front to the Back right. Struggling To Survive – but above all we sneak – in volcanic Terrain, in deep Swamps lined with poisonous Plants, on Heidi like meadows and mostly in the deepest Jungle. As befits a true survival simulation, Survival is at the Forefront rather than the loot or crafting. So The Path, according to the Cliché, is the Goal. The Search for Boxes is essential, but rather in the Sense of an attempted Self-defense and not in order to be able to mow down everything and everyone than jungle Rambo. I like this and also leads, among other things, to the fact that the Atmosphere in theHunter Primal among the Players is amazingly peaceful and friendly. Is always good when a healthy Community is actively living a Game. The Cooperation in the Fight against a Dino is Mandatory anyway, if you like to play the Hunter and make sense simply because the other Players rarely have exciting Equipment that you still desire as a well-equipped hunter. For that, Firearms are simply too rare and the Death too numerous. theHunter Primal Doesn't promise much, but keeps everything it promises. And this is already as an Early access version. A DayZ and as they are all called try to be bigger and more complex than the undead competition, but buy this Ambition with Bugs, bugs and Bugs again. theHunter Primal, on the Other hand, Focuses extremely competently on the essentials, the survival, and plants the survival principle in a beautiful, highly exciting and difficult-to-cope game world. This may not always be entertaining, but it's never boring. In any case, it has got my Adrenaline Balance on its Toes several times quite Mightily. For Me, theHunter Primal Is thus quite surprisingly developing into the urgently welcomed DayZ replacement player in the survival sector – when the Place deer in The Genre hardly does anything significant. This shows that Less is often more when Professionals are at Work and know what they are doing. "
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
It's really difficult to evaluate this Game, because it does a Lot right, were it not For Bugs and the low Content. First, a few Phrases to The Sense of play itself: I was never a great Dinosaur Lover, which has changed drastically as a result of this Game. That's because it was captured so well atmospherically. This adrenaline kick when you hear T-Rex Steps that are getting faster and faster and don't see where it comes from and from one Second on the Other This monster stands in front of you. Although you can't directly call this Game a Survival, as mans knows from other Games, I didn't have that sense of Will to survive and Panic in any other Game. If it were not for the AI of the Dinos, Which is sometimes very well buoy in the other Part and is therefore a small Mood Killer (Flight of certain Dinos, etc.). The Graphics are coherent in themselves and offer beautiful and mainly creepy Moments in Combination with the Weather. Again, sometimes small Bugs are included, but only graphic Fetishists disturb. Unfortunately, it can happen That weapons and Items found cannot be picked up at all. In addition, it sometimes occurred the Item that was no longer carried with you when You left the game when you started a new One and they disappeared, which is very annoying when you have worked out a small ammunition pad ... In addition, so far there is a Map and 5 dinosao types in the game which the Developers also communicate, but it is still simply not enough and therefore the Price is somehow not justified. Even that this Game is no longer in Early Access I don't think is right, because at least the coarsest Bugs should be out on a Release. You could still write a lot here but as a small Insight that should suffice or you watch a Video about the Game. Overall, I can't say whether the Game is positive or negative to Evaluate, but I would award Points it would be a 6.5/10, so stay positive. I hope the Developers continue to work on the game and draw from the Full, because the Potential can hardly be overlooked here, but I doubt the bigger one coming here and thus stay on dino hunting With a crying eye and laughing Eye. Update: As there are now more And more problems in gameplay that have not been Accommodated before (crashes, at Re-Join you are death, etc.) and in the Forum more Sporadically is addressed to user questions and Requests, this Game is no longer positive, which I am really Sorry about Does...
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