You are able to type a word or sentence to bounce around the background of the main title. You can interact with those words as well as the main title itself.
- Pressing "THE" will turn the lights on and off, affecting what happens when you click on your words as well as certain other elements.
- Pressing "LAST" will freeze or unfreeze the words.
- Pressing "OF" will turn gravity on or off.
- Pressing "US" will speed up or speed down the words.
- You are also able to turn on/off the music and text-to-speech in the Settings.
You are more than welcome to mess around with whatever you want. And remember, no bad words...
[Descriptions]This interactive poster was built off of the game poster design. It has many of the same colors with the addition of a few more to give it more vibrance. The game poster's original intended theme was about words/trivia and this interactive poster was to visually build off of that aesthetic. I wanted to make it to where the viewer can type words and interact with them, as well as with the main title itself.
[Known Bugs/Issues]- Due to the limitations of P5.js, the text-to-speech is very slow and reads one at a time. It can stack up a lot when given too many things to read out.
- Some words won't register when they're clicked.
- The music may not play at start sometimes.
- Words can get stuck at the edges of the screen when speeding up/down.
Bounce Sound -
Ding Sound -
Bonk Sound -
Light Switch Sound -
Gravity Sound -
Power Up Sound -
Freeze Sound - My Ugly Voice that was edited in Audacity
Music - BOB BEAT 6 by BrothaD []