Theory of graphs by Victor Pla

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This project is being developed by Victor Pla, the objective of it is make an easy way to learn Graph Theory and get fun with it.

At the moment u can:

-Add a node using the top-left button and then clicking with the mouse where u want to place the node. This node will take a free id (1,2,3,4...), u cant change it.

-Modifie a node, clicking left-click above a node there will appear a small UI menu with 2 buttons, left one to delete de node and right one to link it with another node and make an edge.

-UI information, at the top of the screen u can see 2 texts that indicates the nodes that are placed (with his id) and the edges (with this format: where id1 is the id from the start node and id2 from the end node that compose the edge). In the bottom u can a text that says: "Stack = ", that indicate what node is prepared to be linked with another node, if u want to clear the stack u can press C.

Finally i uploaded a zip file named "ScriptS_GT" with all the scripts coded in this project for someone that wants to learn how it works. Enjoy the project as i do developing it <3.

Release date
Vitolo Paolo
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Mar 9, 2020

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