Basic PC controls: WASD or arrows for movement
Mobile: simply touch to activate virtual joystick
How to play The Starving Game:
to overcome the stages of the game you have to
survive longer than your opponents; to do this
it is necessary to collect food.
The player and the opponent can in fact be in
two modes: satiated mode and starving mode.
*starving mode*
it is activated when the food points go to zero;
speed is doubled but 2 HPs are lost per turn.
in this mode you can attack an opponent in
satiated mode to steal his food.
*satiated mode*
automatically activates when you have food;
the speed returns to normal but each turn two
units of food are lost, recovering 1 HP.
In this mode it is not possible to attack the
NOTE: game in continuous development and more content will be added later. CREDITS: -elthen, character's sprites --> -Twin musicom, sound effects -->