This Didn't Happen

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This Didn't Happen is a Time-Travelling board game for 1-4 players.

More information for the game itself, or for its kickstarter, can be found on our Website.

You can find the full rules on the board on the back, or read them here.

This Didn't Happen is a card game about changing history to nullify the apocalypse. Travel through time with 1-4 players, gathering supplies, changing events, and fiddling with the time-stream. Each player has a unique time traveler with individual strengths and weaknesses.

The goal is to change key events throughout history and cause enough changes that the apocalypse doesn't happen. Changing one event can cause others to change, too! With planning and precision, you can change several key events by changing only one event. However, without planning or caution, you may cause the world to tumble into an even darker timeline! Remember, if anything goes wrong: This didn't happen!

Players travel from event to event, either by waiting for time to move them or by using the Time Machine. Players collect supply cards, which help them during random events or which can be used to change the event their character is on. Changing an event can affect future events, softening them up and making them easier to change, or changing them outright. Changing too many events may cause a change to the End of the Era, resulting in an earlier apocalypse.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: May 9, 2022

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