Thrive: A VR Platformer

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Inspired by 8 and 16 bit retro platforming games, experienced fresh in VR. All the things you remember (or have heard about) from old-school flat screen platformers: simple crisp graphics, the satisfying ding of a coin collected, the sigh of relief hitting a checkpoint, the near-rage-quit inducing falls, the cheesy half baked "storyline" (if you can even call it that) that barely hints at a purpose of why you are jumping on all of these platforms and collecting coins, and the thrill that comes with stringing together the perfect combo, just barely landing on the platform you wanted to, nearly missing the huge ditch behind you and dodging the wall of spikes ahead of you. And maybe there's a splash of "ninja warrior" inspiration somewhere in there too with all the climbing you'll do.

Alright, that's over-doing it, but hopefully this will be fun to play for someone out there!

To be honest, I'm not even sure ANYONE can beat all of these levels in VR, and it's probably physically impossible to grab all the coins and collectibles. But hey, maybe you will!! See, this project wasn't originally designed in VR - it was converted into VR from an open-source MIT-licensed third-person flat screen platformer project posted by a Reddit user, thelastflapjack, that I saw (available here:, with his permission. It started out as an experiment - can I do this? Would it be playable in first person VR? Then I figured I might as well flesh it out and let other people play it if they wanted to.

So, don't get too hard on yourself when you die a lot!

If people actually play this game, things I will look into:

-Seeing if it will run in 90 FPS

-Continued optimizations

-More levels

-Possibility of user-generated levels using the Godot game engine

COMFORT: This is a fairly intense experience, not likely for people without good "VR Legs." Although I included seated mode, teleport, and snap turn in the options menu, I'm not sure necessarily you will really be able to play the game fully those ways - but hey, figured I would let you try it out anyway.

LEADERBOARDS: Make sure you enter a user name on the main menu before you start playing so your scores will be tracked on the leaderboards. Any new scores you record in a session will appear the next time you boot up the game again.


Check out the settings and control menus in the main menu to see what other choices you have and how to play the game.


Yeah, they are supposed to be cheesy and silly and not really make all that much sense. Thankfully, when they inevitably get on your nerves and after you have had a quick laugh, you can turn those off in the audio settings.

Source code available at: teddybear082/godot-3d-platformer-vr: Open Source old-school platformer in VR, converted from thelastflapjack's third person platformer (

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Oct 17, 2022

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