Throne of Ashes

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You are a child of the illustrious House Phoenix. A beacon and a reminder of all the strength and pride that your house possesses. But running through your blood is a vile curse, one that will not only see the end of you but spell the end of your family and line. Ripped from the life you knew and with an uncertain future looming ahead, you must decide for yourself how strong you are and who truly steers your destiny. Save yourself and help change the fates of those you find yourself holding close to your heart as you fight to break a curse and uncover your fire.

  • Customize Phoenix your way, including their name, gender, appearance, and personality.
  • Three different love interests and three different stories to tell. Each with their own theme, personality, group, and journey.
  • Define your personality with different skill sets and traits that shift depending on the route.
  • A story where your route traits shift your love interest's personality. As well as choices that will open up an assortment of different paths.

Three routes that takes the reader through not only a different character but different antagonists, locations, themes, and stories. You learn different things about not only your companions but also yourself in each one with changing personality traits that have a direct effect on how the LI behaves towards you. There is no punishment! You can behave as you wish and do not have to worry about the LI wishing to break up with you, the only thing that changes is their disposition.

Choose 1 of 3 romances ...

This story contains a great deal of dark themes and content that may be triggering to certain individuals. Areas will be flagged appropriately but there are times where both routes will still lead to such content due to being an integral part of the game. I.e. On one interest's route you are presented with two choices but both hold physical abuse content. The list below details what content can be seen in each route.

Universal Themes: Sensitive topics such as depression and suicide. In each route, an abuser is present.

  • Ruben's Route: Detailed physical abuse.
  • Nour's Route: Physical abuse and experimentation.
  • Ozara's Route: Emotional and mental abuse as well as gaslighting techniques.

In addition, the main character can be a victim of sexual abuse. In the story, it is possible for the reader to opt out of this theme and will be given a choice whether or not they wish to at the beginning of the story. Otherwise, this theme and conversations surrounding it will be featured in the story.

This story DOES NOT contain rape scenes and always stops at physical sexual harassment.

Again, this story is for mature audiences only. Please exercise caution and know your limits.

:: Schedule for Release ::

Public Demo Available: May 24, 2021

Full Game - Patreon: Will be released by chapter on Patreon starting -. 

Full Game - Public: Will be released all at once on -. Price not yet known.

Along with this I am hoping to add CG's to the game, at a minimum three for each route. That decision will be made once the book is completed. I'm not sure a Kickstarter would be wise to do this with and so the decision will mostly rely on Patreon or Donations.

:: Contact Me ::

Email: [email protected]

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Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 28, 2021

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