Through the Looking Glass (itch)
A side-scrolling homage to classic games like Portal and Lemmings, Through the Looking Glass takes place in a near future where scientists have discovered how to access alternate universes parallel to our own. One of the most interesting of the newly discovered universes is the mirror universe, a place where everything is reflected, and the upside down universe, where gravity points up. To test the capabilities of these universes, scientists construct a series of high-tech test chambers capable of moving between universes at the push of a button. Test subjects are forced to explore the strange, and sometimes deadly, chambers to see whether humans can survive in these other universes, but when the the project is leaked a team of hackers manages to take control of the system. Using only the three buttons at your disposal, you have to manipulate the test chambers and their mysterious technology to help the 15 test subjects escape from captivity.
Through the Looking Glass is an early prototype game and we welcome your ideas. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on how to improve the game moving forward please comment below.