Tide (TeamDoodz)
Tide is a resource management tower defense game made for the BenBonk Game Jam #3. In Tide, two different sides of the map have different resources, environment, and enemies.
Note that I did not have time to iron out the bugs and add polish, so keep that in mind while playing. I will likely "finish" the game in a 1.1 update after the voting period.
To gather resources, shoot things like rocks and trees. Pick up an item by moving your player on it. To deposit items into your inventory, walk into your spawn location (called the "core"). Items include:
* Wood, basic structural material
* Stone, another basic structural material
* Iron, used mainly in walls
* Astranium, a strong hot metal used in advanced walls
* Coolite, icy material with cooling properties
* Udralium, sharp rock used in turrets
* Sofrime, a thin but sturdy substance used mainly in wall creation
To build, click on the thing you would like to build in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, and right-click anywhere to place it. It will not build if you do not have the necessary materials.
To shoot, hold down the left mouse button.