Tile Based Utility AI
Above is an OpenGL version of a game demo I made to demonstrate Utility AI in a tile based setting. The blue cubes are the player controllable units, the red cubes are the enemies. When a blue cube is cyan, they have been selected for use by the player and when a red cube turns cyan, they are the enemy that the currently selected player cube is targetting.
The player cube's have two actions, attack or move. Attacking costs 2 action points and movement costs 1. As a result, players characters can move and then attack, or they can attack but not move afterwards. The enemy characters will function the same, but they have a trick up their sleeves if the player characters bunch up. Click the end turn button when you have nothing left to do in your turn!
The controls can be seen below...
WASD / Mouse Movement: Move camera
Scroll Wheel: Zoom in/out
Left Mouse: Select player controllable unit
Right Mouse: Move selected unit to chosen square
Space: Enable Attack Selection
Tab: Cycle through enemies in sight
Enter: Execute attack on selected enemy