Time Break (itch) (Elvis L, Ivan Garcia FIlho)

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A classic traditional platformer. BUT! You can't finish the level by simply finishing the level. You are stuck in a time loop on the only level the game has.  If you would like to explore the game by youself, dont keep reading ahead. I will briefly explain what the game is about and how ir works.

The game is like a traditional platformer but once you get to the end of the level, time stops. You can rewind time or go forward for the whole path you walked since the beginning. But, whenever you choose to stop, that will be the starting point and if you rewind time again you will get to that point and not rewind anymore. You can only rewind time once you reach the end of the level. While you are rewinding pay attention to the level and you will see elements appearing and disappearing that weren't there before. That's because depending on where you choose to stop on the path you walked, you are triggering different timelines of the level and new elements are appearing, once you stop rewind time these elements will be permanent till the end of the game. At each stage that you can rewind and trigger a different timeline, an enemy in the format of a box will appear, if you defeat that enemy you can collect an item. You need 4 of these items that these box-like enemies will spill out once they are dead. Once you get the 4, you can go to the end of the level and time will not rewind anymore. The game will finish and restart itself again.

  • All Arrows / WASD - Movement
  • Space - Jump / Stop rewinding time
  • Z / Left Mouse Button / Enter - Attack
  • Left Shift / Right Mouse Button - Sprint
  • Left or Right Arrow / A or D -  When the time is frozen you rewind or go forward

That's  a  Ludum Dare 47 entry, by :

  • Elvis Leite;
    • Design (Mechanics);
    • Programming (Foundations &  Integrations);
    • Animation;
    • Source  Control;
    • UI;
  • Ivan Garcia Filho;
    • Design  (Dynamics & Aesthetics);
    • Programming (Polishing & Cosmetics);
    • Visual Effects;
    • Art direction and composition;
    • UX;
Release date
Elvis L
Ivan Garcia FIlho
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Oct 9, 2020

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