To Kill a Demon
Super-short platformer (and shooter (?)) made for the Narrative Drive Jam #11
It is my first Unity game and probably a little too ambitious, but I had a lot of fun making it!
I tried my best in telling a story with less possible words, could have been done better.
Press R to Reload the current level.
- - no SFX / VFX, didn't have time unfortunately,
- - the dash may be too long while pressing down the arrows,
- - shooting a "level-exit" will trigger the next level \:,
- - the bullets animation do not follow the player's direction (I bumped my head too much on this, so I just left it as it is),
- other issues that I can't think of right now (,:
I used Penusbmic's Ruins tileset and Dungeon Enemy Pack 1!
If you liked them please consider supporting this amazing artist! (: