To The Dark Tower

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In 1855, the noted Victorian poet Robert Browning had a nightmare. His terrifying dream took the form of a poem, and upon awakening, he wrote it down verbatim. This strange dream-poem would become known as "Childe Roland To The Dark Tower Came," considered by many to be one of the greatest works of poetry in the English language.This is a personal interpretation of that poem.
I first read this masterpiece during a very difficult time in my life, and I want to share some of the beauty and insight I gained from it. To achieve this end, I have illustrated, animated, or otherwise represented each line in the format of a "visual novel," to best show you what I see in my mind's eye when reading it. Hopefully you can gain something of use, or perhaps just beauty, from this experience.


System requirements for PC

  • OS: anything made in the last decade
  • Processor: if it can run Steam it can run this
  • Graphics: ha ha ha
  • Sound Card: one that makes sound?
  • Additional Notes: haven't tested this on every possible computer—if you have any issues just contact me on the Steam forums

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: anything made in the last decade
  • Processor: I don't know honestly, but you're probably fine
  • Graphics: if it can run Steam it can run this
  • Additional Notes: I haven't tested this on every possible computer—if you have any issues just contact me on the Steam forums

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: idk—this is Linux, you guys are on your own
  • Processor: one that processes
  • Graphics: if it can show pictures and basic video, you'll be fine
  • Sound Card: yes.
  • Additional Notes: I haven't tested this on every possible computer—if you have any issues just contact me on the Steam forums
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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