TOC (LucasMolina, LokoGD, Castler, Raissa, JuBB, Tomaz Corral, JanaChumi)
Submission for the Global Game Jam 2020.
Jam Site: Porto Alegre (Unisinos).
Some things in life are just a llittle bit off. Your nerves d eserve better than the cringe of than the cringe of chaos and dedederangement. You deserve the satisfacttion of tidying it all up. If you find the urge to orderly trim this unholy mess - Youre're welcome, because now you can!
Airton Junior - Music, Audio
Fernando "LokoGD" Gulart - Programmer
Jana Beatriz (@janachumi) - 2D Artist, Programmer and Life (project) Saver
Ju Bohn - Programmer
Lucas Molina (@AD1337) - Creative Director, Product Owner, Project Manager
Lucas Souza Dias - Programmer
Rafael Humann Petry - Programmer
Raissa Scheeren - 2D Artist, Programmer
Tomaz Corral (@TomazCorral) - Game Designer, Programmer and Project Manager
GGJ link: