Tony Hawk's Project 8 reviews

Xbox 360 version:

A game I had dreamed of playing for 15 years, but couldn't because I didn't have a console.

And this is the moment when expectations and reality have been met. Vivid design, updated engine and graphics. And all this «Neversoft» did in one year, after the release of «THAW».

Many people don't like that the game has gone from arcade to realism, but I like it. The visual style and motion capture did their job. Everything looks very smooth.

The levels themselves were cleverly combined on one map. One location flows into another. One cardinally different from the other. In general, the visuals of the game, the plot and even the soundtrack as if conveys to us that the series departs from the «Punk» style more in «Alternative».

I recommend it to all fans of the series.
«Blew my mind»