Totally Terrific Battle Prototype!
It's a battle simulator! Well, specifically, a prototype of a battle simulator. So, I guess, in a way, it's a battle prototype. A terrific one at that.
Totally Terrific Battle Prototype is a game all about throwing helpless units onto the screen and watching them fight to the death in a team-based deathmatch on a grassy, open field.
Q: What's the main difference between this and TABS?
A: TTBP is much much more performant (at least on my computer), as it can support upwards of 1000 units in combat with minimal framerate drops
There are currently 10 levels in the game, which each introduce new enemy units as they progress, as well as increasing in scale and required strategy. In addition, there is also a custom battle game mode where you can make your own custom armies to pummel each other until there is nothing but a red streak across the field, and one victorious team.
This project has taken me 8 days to create from start to finish. All sprites and code were made by me. Sound effects are credited below.
Sound Credits
Ballista - Audio Jungle
Bow - Opengameart
Catapult - Freesound
Flamethrower - Youtube Audio
Musket - Youtube Audio
Swords - Opengameart